Monday, November 19, 2012

100 random facts - true or false

1. Had sex? True. 2. Bought condoms? True. 3. Gotten pregnant? False. 4. Failed a class? False. 5. Kissed a boy? True. 6. Kissed a girl? True. 7. Used a little paper bag for lunch? False. 8. Had a job? True. 9. Slipped on ice? True. 10. Missed the school bus? True. 11. Left the house without my wallet? True. 12. Bullied someone on the internet? False. 13. Sexted? False. 14. Had sex in public? True. 15. Played on a sports team? False. 16. Smoked weed? True. 17. Smoked cigarettes? True. 18. Smoked a cigar? False. 19. Drank alcohol? True. 20. Watched "The Breakfast Club"? True. 21. Been overweight? False. 22. Been underweight? True. 23. Had an eating disorder? False. 24. Been to a wedding? True. 25. Made fun of someone for being fat? False. 26. Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? True. 27. Watched TV for 5 hours straight? True. 28. Been late for work? False. 29. Been late for school? True. 30. Kissed in the rain? True. 31. Showered with someone else? True. 32. Failed my drivers test? False. 33. Ran a mile in less than 10 minutes? True. 34. Been outside my home country? True. 35. Been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? True. 36. Had lice? True. 37. Gotten my heart broken? True. 38. Had a credit card? True. 39. Been to a professional sports game? False. 40. Broken a bone? False. 41. Been unhappy about my weight? False. 42. Won a trophy? False. 43. Cut myself? True. 44. Had an STD? False. 45. Got engaged? False. 46. Been on a diet? False. 47. Tried out to be on a TV show? False. 48. Rode in a taxi? True. 49. Been to prom? False. 50. Played a drinking game? True. 51. Stayed up for 24 hours or more? True. 52. Been to a concert? True. 53. Had a three-some? False. 54. Had a crush on someone of the same sex? True. 55. Been in a car accident? False. 56. Had braces? False.  57. Learned another language? True. 58. Killed an animal? True. 59. Been at a yard sale? True. 60. Been to a japanese steakhouse? False. 61. Wore make up? True. 62. Talked to someone via webcam? True. 63. Lost my virginity before I was 16? False. 64. Had my wisdom teeth taken out? False. 65. Kissed someone a different race than myself? True. 66. Snuck out of the house? False. 67. Bought porn? False. 68. Had a virus on my computer? False. 69. Had oral sex? True. 70. Dyed my hair? True. 71. Gone skinny dipping? False. 72. Graduated from college? False. 73. Wore someone else's clothes? True. 74. Voted in a presidential election? True. 75. Rode in an ambulance? True. 76. Rode in a helicopter? False. 77. Caught the stove on fire? True. 78. Got in a verbal fight? False. 79. Met someone famous? True. 80. Been on a vacation? True. 81. Been on an airplane? True. 82. Been on a boat? True. 83. Broken something expensive? True. 84. Had surgery? False. 85. Kissed someone before I was 14? False. 86. Beat a video game? True. 87. Found something valuable on the ground? True. 88. Made a survey? True. 89. Stalked someone on a social network? True. 90. Prank called someone? True. 91. Spent over 100 dollars in one day? False. 92. Been to a library outside of school? True. 93. Cut my hair and hated it? True. 94. Peed outside? True. 95. Went fishing? True. 96. Helped with charity? True. 97. Taken a pregnancy test? True. 98. Been rejected by a crush? True. 99. Been suspended from school? False. 100. Broken a mirror? True. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

From A to Z

Angry: Do you have a short temper? No.
Blue: What song do you listen to when you're feeling down? Idk, mostly happy music.
Cup: Do you drink Tea or Coffee? Both. Coffee when I need energy, Tea for cozy times.
English: How many languages can you speak? 3: Danish, English, Spanish.
Fear: Tell us three fears. Wolves (because of a nightmare), spiders, to lose the one I love.
Game: What was the last board game you played? Never played one.
Harry Potter: What was the last book you read? "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" by J. K. Rowling.
Injury: Have you ever walked into a glass door? No, I'm not that stupid.
Jump: Do five jumping jacks/star jump. No, I won't.
Kiss: Who's your biggest celebrity crush? Johnny Depp, of course.
Love: Do you believe in marriage? Yes. I do.
Money: What would you do with 1 million dollars? See the world.
Naughty: Tell us three things that your parents disapprove of? Piercings, tattoos and strong alcohol.
Oops: What is one thing you'd like to change/fix? I want my breasts to be bigger and my nose to be straight.
Picture: Post a picture of your lovely face. See below.
Quality: Name three of your favorite blogs. BellezzosTankespindEn krone sparet.
Rapunzel: Name three Disney movies that you adore. The Lion King, The Beauty and the Beast, Bambi.
Star-sign: When's your birthday? Today, actually. 13th of November.
Teacher: What do you aspire to be? I want to study Spanish and Anthropology and go to South America for work.
Unite: Do you sponsor a cause? Yes. Amnesty and Green Peace.
Varsity: Do you play/watch sport? I swim to or twice a week, but not for competition.
Xylophone: Do you play an instrument? Yes, I play the guitar. Not very often though.
Yellow: What's your favorite color? Green and orange.
Zoo: What's your favorite animal? The Penguin.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Beauty in Copenhagen

I weekenden var jeg i København for, at besøge mine to skønne veninder, Sabrina og Josefine(på billedet ses Sabrina). Det var en rigtig hyggelig weekend og der var så mange smukke efterårfarver.
Søndag samlede vi ind til Dansk Flygtningehjælp, he he. Så var dén gode gerning i hus.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

If you eat yourself... do you disappear completely or do you get twice as fat?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Et sted i universet

.....sidder jeg og tænker. På alt og intet. På store ting og små ting. På livets mening, på min store kærlighed, på mine venner og familie.
En tanke, der også slår mig er, hvor spild af tid skole egentlig er. At man kan bruge sin dyrebare tid på så meget andet. Men vores samfund er jo sådan opbygget, at hvis ikke man har en uddannelse er man et nul.
Jeg hader samfundets normer engang imellem.