Monday, June 4, 2012

6/30 - From a low angle

Today my sister, Isabella, turned 16. I gave her a book with the title The life on the fridge-door. It's a very good and touching book! :-)
Anyway.. I went out to snap a few pictures of the flag in the windy and cold weather for today's challenge.

Yesterday I went to the cinema with Michelle to watch Dark Shadows. It was so good. Some say that they're disappointed for the movie and that they don't really think it's that good, but I disagree!! I loved it. So funny, cool and good! I know an old saying: Everything Tim Burton and Johnny Depp touch, turns into gold.
Today has been a very good and relaxed day. My brother came home to visit for Isabella's birthday and my father visited too.
Sadly enough, Jens - who's my mother's husband - had to stay in the hospital, because he's going to get operated the day after tomorrow. Well, we are crossing our fingers for the results.



  1. Tillykke med søsteren din og sikke nogle flotte billeder!

