Thursday, June 28, 2012

See you, bitches, on the other side of freedom

Hey peeps.

I'm sorry, but the two last posts of my photography challenge will have to wait.
The reason? Well, tomorrow I'm leaving for ROSKILDE FESTIVAL WUHU! so I have to pack and everything and I don't really have time for not even two posts.

I'm gone for more than a week. 10 days actually.
10 days where I'm gross, eat food off the ground, not going to shower, drinking beer in the (hopefully) sun. If not, I'm drinking beer in the rain, thunder and mud.
I can't wait either way!

- R


  1. Nice blog. (-:

    - Leave a comment on my blog or maybe became my followers, cuz that could be pretty cool for my to catch as much as I can. :) ty.


    1. Thank you! :)
      And nice blog too.
      I will follow you back.

